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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Drew Seeley Interview — JustJared.com Exclusive

Another Cinderella Story star Drew Seeley sat down with Just Jared to talk about his new musical comedy, his upcoming project with three singing brothers (you’ll never guess who!) and having instant chemistry with sweetie pie costar Selena Gomez. The 26-year-old actor, whose voice was blended with Zac Efron’s in the original High School Musical album, had lots to share. Did you know Drew and Selena had to suck on ice cubes before shooting some of their scenes??? Check out the interview below!

Another Cinderella Story is a direct-to-DVD movie and comes out TODAY. For more information on the film and how to order it, visit the official movie site: AnotherCinderellaStory.WarnerBros.com.

JJ: How was the premiere for A Cinderella Story (on Sunday)?

DS: It was so much fun. It was my first real premiere. Kinda overwhelming, but we had a good time. I hadn’t seen some of the cast since we shot, so it was nice to catch up with everybody. I didn’t think it would be that big of a deal but a lot of people found out about it and came out.

JJ: What can viewers expect from this film?

DS: A lot of original music, a lot of dancing. That’s how it differs from the first Cinderella Story. It’s not really a sequel, its kinda it’s own movie. It’s got great pacing and has high energy, and its something that’s just made for kids, but older people can enjoy it also.

JJ: What genres of dance are performed in the film?

DS: Hip-hop, tango, there’s a big tango scene, ballroom dancing… I play this international pop star kid. So all that kind of boy-band dancing stuff is in there too.